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DO- The Bamboo Forest


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Kata Empowerment–One aspect of kata practice is its Zen value of moving meditation that we call Dozen in opposition to Zazen. Practicing a kata is a great way to bring a Zen dimension into your daily routine, add some depth to your reality to experience oneness and live in the new consciousness of the 21st century: support your self-transformation with a Dozen practice. Learn a kata of 20 martial arts movements (with the 4 elements) to experience “emptiness” of the mind as a new dimension of possibilities in your life. Your mind is stillness (Yin) and your body is in motion (Yang). Develop your grounding/centering and fluidity of mind and body while creating a sacred space of expansion of consciousness — we move and breathe in a different way. The kata varies according to the client’s profile.

$725 (CAD) per participant

(6 sessions of 1h15 / martial arts movements with the 4 elements: earth, water, fire, air)

BONUS : 45 minutes of an individual session to help the client be at ease with the kata in order to benefit from it on a daily basis.

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