Why Raising our Vibration?


That’s a very good question. A friend of mine recently asked me why I make “vibration” an important part of my programs. People usually tend to go with concepts that promote something that looks good like “health,” “peaceful,” “energizing,” “happiness,” etc. We simply have a mental idea of what those concepts mean and do not even question them. We take them for granted. And that’s the trap. We should ask ourselves more often what “health” means or what “peaceful” means before stepping into a program or journey. So, what does “vibration” mean, and why is it important to raise it?

We all know that everything is energy; everything vibrates in the universe. Atoms and particles vibrate within you, in your cells, etc. Thoughts and emotions are also vibrations. I don’t need to bring up scientific charts here, but generally, there are emotions, strong beliefs, environmental conditions (social and pollution), certain foods, lifestyles, stress, and health conditions, all of which affect the level of vibration in your body and your energy field. We all have experienced those low vibrations, like negative emotions, that lower our immune system or have a negative effect on our bodies. Thus, the opposite with good energies is also true.

Raising our vibration means that our subatomic particles move at a higher level, then our cells, biological systems, and energy field increase their potential and support for health and spiritual capabilities to reconnect with our true, deep self or higher consciousness (universe as a field of consciousness). As a rule, you resonate with things that vibrate at the same level as you. But, when you start vibrating at higher levels, you transmute low vibrations, clear your energy field, and are open to expansion energetically and spiritually. Only then is true transformation and evolution possible.

If you are in a range of low vibration, whatever you do or work on will not take you to a higher level. You need to raise your vibration first. Our modern lifestyle and our traditional, limiting mindset contribute to lowering our natural vibration. This is why we generally need to raise our vibration to expect real changes to happen in us and in our lives. Even if you are “healthy,” you need to raise your vibration to ensure that not only do you continue your transformation or evolution, but also that you have enough “reserve” in case you are in a context that drains your energy. Basically, if you live in a low vibration, you have more probability of developing health issues and experiencing energy deficiency (low energy/biofield and catching negative energies).

It is a fact that most people are in a range of vibrations that is considered acceptable, meaning not too low, not that high, but just average. However, it is easy to drop the level because of stress, situations in life, and challenging lifestyles. This is why we all need to raise and keep a higher vibration for daily health and spiritual awakening. There is no limit to raising your vibration. Don’t worry about that. Your body and biofield know how to handle things. Trust them. The higher your vibration, the brighter your energy field. This is part of your charisma, your alignment in life, and your positive effect on your surroundings and on people. In sum, this is the vibration you feel around a spiritual master, for example.

How do you raise your vibration? There are many ways, and you need to keep a conscious mind-body approach. Change your diet for better quality food and combination of food. Eat what is vibrating at a higher level as much as possible. Spiritually, surround yourself with people who are vibrating higher (or are in transformation themselves). Create an environment at home (and at the office if possible) with frequencies, mantras, incense, etc. (see my program “MYO-Awakening”). Even at low volume, a frequency or chanted mantra can affect your space and your biofield. Develop positive habits and remind yourself that you are incarnated in this life for a reason, even if your ego does not know what it is.  Don’t waste this life with negativity. Practice meditation and raise your consciousness! Let’s be clear here about meditation. Meditation is fundamentally to quiet the ego (mind) and let your true, deep self emerge. Meditation is to clear the mind, drop into the Now, detach from judgment and a dualistic view of life, and align with your true Self (higher consciousness).

Today, climate change is irrefutable, and so is the conscious shift that affects all levels of Western societies. As many scientists and spiritual masters have stated, humanity has reached a crossroads. It is a major existential crisis. We must change our way of living, interacting with nature, and with each other. We must understand the “Oneness” that binds us all beyond the ego, or we will face our own Jurassic era. There must be a true awakening on the planet. And it all starts with oneself. As Steve Farrell, CEO of Humanity’s Team, stated clearly: “We believe that only awakening to our interconnected world and to our deeper selves can fulfill us and allow our species to evolve to the next stage.”

So, yes, Myoku is based upon Zen principles. Everything we do in Myoku programs helps raise the vibration with breathing techniques and raise consciousness with grounding/centering techniques. Check our programs and basic Introduction programs like:

Introduction: Know Your Mind-Body

Introduction: Know How to Breathe

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Explore the 3 pillars of Myoku :
Gravity, Fluidity and Chi